Real Estate Business: The Realtor's Business Kit

If you are already a Realtor or you want to become one then this message is for you; simply pay attention to the details of this write up as it will help you gain more clarity on the purpose of your business.

Having known who a realtor is and what a realtor does, it is also very important to note that the service of a realtor can be functionary or fiduciary.

I will explain what that means.
Functionary is when you are in a specific task relationship with your client- you just do your job and that's all.
While fiduciary is when you not only do the tasks of your job,but you are also in high trust relationship with your client and feels total responsibility for the outcome.

Now coming to the crux of the matter.
There are 3 core areas of operation you must know and master if you want to make it to the top of your career as far as your job as a realtor is concerned.

I call them the 3L's
1. Leads generation:
The number of qualified leads you have will either grow your business,keep you in business or put you out of business (depending on how well you serve them).
Try to stay strong in the area of leads generation.
It is the live wire of your business.
You can generate leads online via Facebook, WhatsApp, forums and offline at social events, churches, mosques etc

2. Listings(list of properties):
Making, obtaining and marketing listings can serve as your primary lead generation focus because it will help you gain more control over your time and money.
Your listing can be done on your website, newspapers,magazines,Mails,social media account etc

3. Leverage:
This is known as the who,how and what of real estate.
Leverage answers 3 key questions in your business.
I. Who is going to do it? (People).
ii. How will they do it ?(System).
iii. What will you do it with? (Tools)
Bringing people into your sales business to work with you has the potential to tremendously impact your business.
In other words hire great talent,not just a talent.


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